We can help the Amazon rainforest by learning about it and sharing what we learn with others. If people learn about how the Amazon is being destroyed, along with the air that we breath, I think they will help.
Another way that we can help the Amazon rainforest is by donating to charities that protect it.
If you want to help, but don't want to research, I will pick a charity each year and donate all the money I collect from this website. This year, once again (for the fourth year), I pick Kids Saving The Rainforest in Costa Rica. I have volunteered at this charity for the past four years and thought it did a very good job of keeping the rainforest and its animals safe.
KSTR manages a wildlife sanctuary, conducts tree planting initiatives, and builds bridges for safe road passages for their animals. This year (2024) during my volunteer trip, I learned that they also support education globally through internships, and were even the subject of a European Master's thesis!
You can donate to KSTR here:
If you do want to research, I have researched Amazon rainforest charities and would recommend these. Here is a list of charities and some information they told me:
- Rainforesttrust.org - 100% of any donation goes directly into park creation.
- amazonconservation.org - you only need to donate two dollars to help preserve one acre in the Amazon.
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Photo Credits - Home Page:
Photo 1 (TOP) - Oregon St University
PHOTO 2 (LEFT In BAR) - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
PHOTO 3 (Middle in BAR) - Stock Photo From GoDaddy
Photo 4 (Right in Bar) - CIAT